Payroll Accountant, Professional, Analyst Cover Letter Sample

Payroll Accountant, Professional, Analyst Cover Letter Sample

Payroll Accountant, Professional, Analyst, Administrator, Specialist, Supervisor - Cover Letter Sample Beginning

Mrs. Anna Classiso
Payroll Manager
Accountant Tower 1a-3

Application for Job Position Payroll Accountant, Payroll Analyst

Dear Mrs. Classiso,

I am applying for job Payroll Accountant - Analyst published yesterday on job server

I am payroll and benefits professional with fifteen years experiences on job positions Payroll Accountant, Payroll Analyst and Payroll Specialist.

I have experiences on payroll departments from different business areas from automotive and health care to telecommunications or payroll outsourcing services. Confirmation of my professional competence evidenced by certificates of American Payroll Association - Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) and Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC).

More information about my carrier and work experiences you can find in attached Curriculum Vitae.

I look forward to your reply and to job interview in your company.

With regards,

Winston Payroll Accountant

Winston Payroll Accountant
Date of Birth: 16. May 1970
Email: winston-payroll@a c c o u n t a n t - p r o f f e s i o . n e t
Phone number: 12345 67890 12345 67890
Address: Payroll Avenue 15, Chicago

Attachment: CV (Resume) Example Payroll Accountant, Professional, Analyst, Administrator, Specialist, Supervisor

Payroll Accountant, Professional, Analyst, Administrator, Specialist, SupervisorCover Letter Sample End

Job Description

Article Field: Finance, Economics, Banking, Insurance


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